This is a rant. I have a lot of those, but this one is special. It's from the heart.
So in the map above, this is how it should go. Attacking group (green) starts at the bridge, near half to ICG (Northern base) and near half to WV(South-Western Base). A few stragglers always go off to do the towers, so good on them. There are also always a few (white) that go to Slagworks (South-Eastern base) which is okay since we'll need some there soon anyway. Once ICG is on its way to being under our control half of them (also white line) need to leave EARLY and go to Slagworks. WV could also use reinforcement.
What actually happens. The red line. Lots of people in the road, in the damn fields, running around the spire for no reason or, most often, just zerging around as a giant stupid blob. Fighting outside the walls. Taking nothing. If you can't get in the front door then THINK! There are 2 others! If they are breaking us right at the graveyard then just go in another damn door. If you are not inside the base you are not helping anyone.
The biggest obstacle in TB is your own team. Our guild has a few strategies that we use when we go. Helps to guide the mouth breathing herd if they only have to worry about 2 bases. This is why I hate this place. There is nothing that even a small group of coordinated people can do to help win. If the other team isn't screaming at each other, they probably win. I hope that Mists of Pandoria pulls through with something better than this. Tol Barad makes Wintergrasp look like a tactical masterpiece.
I really never liked Tol Barad as much as Wintersgrasp. I guess I enjoyed the latter more because I actually got into it. The horde on my server would basically convince people to only queue a very small number and starved us on numbers. Then, the people they had queue would be decked in pvp gear while we'd have random pve people. Basically they held Tol Barad sometimes for a week at a time. It got even worse once they nerfed the honor gain...then no one bothered on either side.
ReplyDeleteEverything I've read suggests isn't (and maybe won't be) a world pvp hub like this. Maybe they've realized making pvpers do pve for gear is dumb? Or vice versa?