
Friday, January 27, 2012

Glory of the (solo) Hero

11330 HKs - disappointing, I know.

So about 10 metric shitloads of drama has come up in WoW the past week or so which has severely decreased my interest in the whole game. I won't go into it all but the TL;DR version is this: I'm not in Warsong Battalion, the leadership is / was retarded. A group of us tried to reform a new guild with a guild council. For whatever reason, that didn't happen and Thornessa (my wife) and I didn't want to get involved in another guild that had the potential to be run by an individual that we didn't have extreme confidence in. We are currently, and probably for a long time, staying in a smaller somewhat inactive guild. We will try and build something out of this since the guild leader isn't interested in recruiting, but he seems to be a very trustworthy and laid back individual. Not to say people can't join, just that the GM doesn't want to do the recruiting.

I've started a side project since I'm a fan of achievements. I'm getting Glory of the Hero entirely solo. I've got a good start!

If anyone has any tips on rogue soloing, please let me know. I'm open to any ideas you have. Currently I'm just doing the normal rogue rotation that I use in pve and pvp honestly except with a heavy emphasis on recuperate. That heal is amazing! I depend a ton on bleeds while everything else is recup, evasion, combat readiness, and good CC.


  1. I think The Incredible Hulk is impossible solo. It was the last one my druid needed, but the fight has you get paralyzed as a part of it and your friends have to break you friends, equal death.

    It is always unpleasant when guilds break up, but there's little you can do about it. It's funny, but I find big guilds to be impersonal. I'd much rather have 15 people I actually know than 200 I don't. Fewer conflicts as well.

  2. I'd already done that one by the time I decided to solo the rest. It was duo'd sorta. Thornessa died at some point and the Hulk missed the sword. Then I just killed the boss and the Hulk died too and gave me the achievement. Weird.

    Share the Love is the only other one I know to require a group.

  3. I did them all during wrath on my shaman and all but that last on my druid (tried soloing as a fluke one day just to see if i could finish it).

    I've heard you've started a different kind of game now with WoW.
