
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Full pvp gear is close

8919 HKs - I have all pvp gear except for my main hand dagger which is the Miniature Winter Veil Tree, and I'll be replacing that with the Cataclysmic Gladiator's Shanker next week. That puts me at 4297 resilience currently! I love how much more damage I'm doing, makes everything so much more fun. I know that when I'm beat its just because that guy/girl was better than me, and I make a point to notice what abilities they used that really got me so I can counter it next time.

I got engineering nearly maxed, far enough that I got the stuff I needed from it for now. Those rocket boots and parachute make world pvp so much fun. Some guildies and I did some arena's this morning and they went really well. I had some video of it but I forgot to record my input so it sounds like they are talking to themselves. I'll try again next time :) Here's a SS instead. Nothing interesting, just liked that we all matched pretty well.


  1. I've always found as I neared complete pvp gear, my interest waned. After that point, I almost always stopped pvping except to Arena. For a basically new character, even after crafting full 371 gear minus a few slots, I've found pvp to be dismal on my dk. A 333 weapon makes me about as dangerous as a pile of kittens.

  2. You have to keep up with it, a 33 weapon now wouldn't be dangerous. But the honor ones that are 378 would be. I didn't notice a huge damage difference until about half to 3/4 pvp gear.
