
Friday, January 27, 2012

Glory of the (solo) Hero

11330 HKs - disappointing, I know.

So about 10 metric shitloads of drama has come up in WoW the past week or so which has severely decreased my interest in the whole game. I won't go into it all but the TL;DR version is this: I'm not in Warsong Battalion, the leadership is / was retarded. A group of us tried to reform a new guild with a guild council. For whatever reason, that didn't happen and Thornessa (my wife) and I didn't want to get involved in another guild that had the potential to be run by an individual that we didn't have extreme confidence in. We are currently, and probably for a long time, staying in a smaller somewhat inactive guild. We will try and build something out of this since the guild leader isn't interested in recruiting, but he seems to be a very trustworthy and laid back individual. Not to say people can't join, just that the GM doesn't want to do the recruiting.

I've started a side project since I'm a fan of achievements. I'm getting Glory of the Hero entirely solo. I've got a good start!

If anyone has any tips on rogue soloing, please let me know. I'm open to any ideas you have. Currently I'm just doing the normal rogue rotation that I use in pve and pvp honestly except with a heavy emphasis on recuperate. That heal is amazing! I depend a ton on bleeds while everything else is recup, evasion, combat readiness, and good CC.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tol Barad

This is a rant. I have a lot of those, but this one is special. It's from the heart.

So in the map above, this is how it should go. Attacking group (green) starts at the bridge, near half to ICG (Northern base) and near half to WV(South-Western Base). A few stragglers always go off to do the towers, so good on them. There are also always a few (white) that go to Slagworks (South-Eastern base) which is okay since we'll need some there soon anyway. Once ICG is on its way to being under our control half of them (also white line) need to leave EARLY and go to Slagworks. WV could also use reinforcement.

What actually happens. The red line. Lots of people in the road, in the damn fields, running around the spire for no reason or, most often, just zerging around as a giant stupid blob. Fighting outside the walls. Taking nothing. If you can't get in the front door then THINK! There are 2 others! If they are breaking us right at the graveyard then just go in another damn door. If you are not inside the base you are not helping anyone.

The biggest obstacle in TB is your own team. Our guild has a few strategies that we use when we go. Helps to guide the mouth breathing herd if they only have to worry about 2 bases. This is why I hate this place. There is nothing that even a small group of coordinated people can do to help win. If the other team isn't screaming at each other, they probably win. I hope that Mists of Pandoria pulls through with something better than this. Tol Barad makes Wintergrasp look like a tactical masterpiece.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

11,138 HKs

I'm working on videos finally! First on the list will be a Warsong Battalion compilation vid. I have one but it is ugly and the end is weird... I need a real video editor. Windows Movie Maker is a pile of crap and a half. I also need to make FRAPS only record WoW audio somehow, hearing people talk during the video isn't good, messes up the pace. But I do want the game sound in there so I can match the soundtrack to in-game sounds. Maybe. That might sound bad too, we'll see.

I'm also going to make a graphic to display my hatred for Tol Barad. Look forward to it, my hate runs deep. Blizzard really slacked on that one. Battle for Gilneas is not far behind.

I got the Drake of the West Wind from Tol Barad dailies finally, that is good I guess. 200 marks took a while but its all downhill from there. I like the dailies there, I usually don't take longer than 20 minutes to do them. I spend lots of time there to make sure other people take longer though. I'm a rogue, its my job. Don't judge me.

Monday, January 16, 2012

1/10th of the way there!

I hit 10,000 HKs yesterday during a world pvp event! Sorry the SS barely shows it, my damn UI gives errors constantly and apparently the Achievement Shotter addon crapped out again.

So my conclusion is this: lower level BGs give the most HKs for your time. 30 minutes = at least 100 HKs. Max level BGs are around 30min/50HKs. World PvP and Tol Barad (bleh) is the best option for max level HKs. 30min/100HKs as long as you aren't dead all the time. If you are there is lots of walking to get back, etc.

Warsong Battalion is the guild I NEED to be in to get this achievement. There is almost always some wpvp going on, day or night doesn't matter. I have some issues with the way things are run but I'm going to work through them each time they come up instead of give up on it. I like a lot of the people in the guild, some of them just rage too much. But I could practically build a house in Ironforge and that makes it all worth it! My wife has server transferred her resto druid and already gotten promoted higher than me since she helped organize a raid in Tol Barad last night. I love playing with her, makes everything so much more fun. Also, pocket healer, hell yeah.

I've been capping my conquest points every week by barely stepping into an arena. We win most of them we do but I don't have to, I do so many BGs per week that I get the 50 per win very often. I don't want to be an elitist but that is retarded. For no reason should I be getting arena gear without doing arena! I know there is another tier of gear I'm not getting, and I'll get to it when I can. But it just seems wrong like this. TL;DR Get off my lawn.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Full pvp gear is close

8919 HKs - I have all pvp gear except for my main hand dagger which is the Miniature Winter Veil Tree, and I'll be replacing that with the Cataclysmic Gladiator's Shanker next week. That puts me at 4297 resilience currently! I love how much more damage I'm doing, makes everything so much more fun. I know that when I'm beat its just because that guy/girl was better than me, and I make a point to notice what abilities they used that really got me so I can counter it next time.

I got engineering nearly maxed, far enough that I got the stuff I needed from it for now. Those rocket boots and parachute make world pvp so much fun. Some guildies and I did some arena's this morning and they went really well. I had some video of it but I forgot to record my input so it sounds like they are talking to themselves. I'll try again next time :) Here's a SS instead. Nothing interesting, just liked that we all matched pretty well.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The waiting is killing me. So are the dwarves.

7476 HKs - So as I write this I am in a defense raid of Orgrimmar on a Friday night. The Alliance has like 80+ in multiple raids going around destroying our cities. We are getting our asses handed to us in a basket. Our current defense raid leader has us hiding behind a chair in the Org throne room, we've been here for probably 20 minutes and the waiting is killing me. I dislike this spot, but whatever, it is up to him. I suspect they went back to Stormwind to regroup and gather more people. I love this server for it's activity and life, this kind of thing rarely happens on other servers, and then it is PuGs just getting an achievement. This consists of less than 5 guilds probably. The following screenshots are from right before the raids and then including the defenses and following Ally zerg. Before the raid we were all at the Darkmoon Faire Arena. After a death or two I turned around and saw that behind me is a HUGE line of Clan Battlehammer. Not gonna lie, they were pretty impressive.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Level 85 and Warsong Battalion fun

Level 85 as of Jan 2nd and 7079 HKs as of today.

I tried staying at level 84 for a little while to get what I expected to be tons of HKs. I was wrong. I ran into a TON of 84 twinks with 150k HP. I had ~80k. I don't understand that really, I was in 82-83 blues and the BoA helm and cloak so I should have been in good shape. Oh well, I moved on and it was a great choice. I hit 85 honor capped and was able to get the pvp trinket and off hand dagger, plus some of the crafted 377 gear and that got me to 1500 res so I'm not entirely squishy.

My guild has been going with me for random battlegrounds and it is amazing the difference it makes! 5 people that have a decent strategy can herd the other faction around AV with just placement. For example: if they all have decent gear and know their role they can break the initial rush to Galv and that will throw them all kinds of off. They'll be late to towers, or they'll not leave people to back cap, etc.

On the wpvp front I haven't been able to attend very much since I have to work nights again. But I do know that one of the Alliance guilds we've been fighting against has decided to factions transfer and join us so we have more people that are excited for wpvp! Some of the alliance seems upset and said that it is just hurting world pvp but that is not the case - we are outnumbered most of the time and can't seem to get anyone to come that isn't already there. It doesn't need to become a common thing though. We need the Alliance just like they need us. Can't fight yourselves.
