
Sunday, December 1, 2013

WPvP Streaming?


    Leveling through BGs is different on the hunter from the rogue. That, or the people playing now more commonly have BoA gear. The rogue could 1-shot everything I touched, except people w/ the priest shield, all the way until to DKs were in the picture. The hunter has much less burst but it is sustained a lot better.

   I like the role additions to BGs, having a healer most of the time is cool. What isn't super cool is over half of a team being rogues and that happens often. Was in a game today with 7 rogues, me and 2 druids. And we still lost terribly. No excuse for that, other than the rogues all just stayed in mid trying to gank the low hanging fruit. The other team had a few priests, so shields were up everywhere and no ganking was happening.

   I'm considering starting to stream on - I have to upgrade my internet first though. My current upload speed is capped at 1.5Mbps and I'll need at least 2 to stream decently. AT&T doesn't offer any faster speeds in my area but they said I could call and ask for an exception, so we'll see. But if I can get an exception I really have to wonder why it isn't available, I mean who doesn't like more money?
   Any ideas for content? I have a few already: BGs obviously. It would probably be solo queue unless I can find people to join from my guild, etc. I'm not sure you can do BGs cross-realm but I'd love to if possible. I could also cover Emerald Dream world pvp content, I assume there is still no lack of that to be found. Another possibility is assassinations. I know that sounds weird / stupid but it was a thing one of my old guilds did. You could put up a message of the day with names in it and a bounty attached to each. A screenshot showing the date and time in chat and the corpse somewhere would net you the bounty. Stalking someone on a stream could be really fun. If they catch on and start watching it then I'd have to put a delay on it but that isn't too bad.


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