
Friday, December 27, 2013

Okay, no streaming

50k something or other HKs

Sorry, can't be arsed to log in and check accurate HKs at the moment. Got a thing going in EVE that requires a little attention.

So there won't be any streaming. Apparently my ISP can't offer a higher upload package in my area... even though they also said they do offer one. Just not here. And I was told to call and ask for an exception to be made in my case. Which makes me assume the infrastructure exists... and pisses me off more. But, in any case, there won't be any streaming. Maybe I'll make a youtube channel eventually.

Armok is up to 88, very very slow leveling. I keep getting distracted with ganking and pvp. Halfhill is insanely busy, I've been killed, and killed there a bunch. As an 88 getting kills can be tough since they are geared, but clever use of stuns and guards can get it done. I won't open up on someone there without knowing there are guards available, it'd just get me 2 shot. And my 'fighting' consists of stunning and running away anyway.

I've seen a few videos lately about pvp on the Timeless Isle and to be honest it is all that has kept me leveling. That place looks like a blast. I don't have much to add to this post honestly. Just thought I'd give an update that I am indeed still playing, just slowly.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

WPvP Streaming?


    Leveling through BGs is different on the hunter from the rogue. That, or the people playing now more commonly have BoA gear. The rogue could 1-shot everything I touched, except people w/ the priest shield, all the way until to DKs were in the picture. The hunter has much less burst but it is sustained a lot better.

   I like the role additions to BGs, having a healer most of the time is cool. What isn't super cool is over half of a team being rogues and that happens often. Was in a game today with 7 rogues, me and 2 druids. And we still lost terribly. No excuse for that, other than the rogues all just stayed in mid trying to gank the low hanging fruit. The other team had a few priests, so shields were up everywhere and no ganking was happening.

   I'm considering starting to stream on - I have to upgrade my internet first though. My current upload speed is capped at 1.5Mbps and I'll need at least 2 to stream decently. AT&T doesn't offer any faster speeds in my area but they said I could call and ask for an exception, so we'll see. But if I can get an exception I really have to wonder why it isn't available, I mean who doesn't like more money?
   Any ideas for content? I have a few already: BGs obviously. It would probably be solo queue unless I can find people to join from my guild, etc. I'm not sure you can do BGs cross-realm but I'd love to if possible. I could also cover Emerald Dream world pvp content, I assume there is still no lack of that to be found. Another possibility is assassinations. I know that sounds weird / stupid but it was a thing one of my old guilds did. You could put up a message of the day with names in it and a bounty attached to each. A screenshot showing the date and time in chat and the corpse somewhere would net you the bounty. Stalking someone on a stream could be really fun. If they catch on and start watching it then I'd have to put a delay on it but that isn't too bad.
