
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What's a twink?

Level 69 - 6k HKs So I've been called a twink about 100 times already. I'm not, at least not by my definition.

I have all the BoA pieces available except the ring from the Kalu'ak fishing tournament and I enchanted the daggers with +15 agi. IMO a twink is someone who would also have had these things but their other pieces would also be the best in slot for their level and they would have enchanted things. I use random quest greens and enchant nothing but the daggers. I brought this up because I was a little drunk and cocky the other night and told a DK on our team to get their flag to our flag room and I'll kill any flag carrier they have. That enraged the whole team somehow... all 7 DKs started screaming about how this isn't the 30-40 bracket and how my twinking won't help here, this is why we can't win, etc, etc. So I killed their FC who was galavanting on our roof to show his leetness. I was lucky, he had a priest who let the shield drop off and didn't put it back fast enough. Doesn't help that he was sapped and had no trinket.

We won and it was close but it made me wonder what a twink is at this stage of the game. I don't think they even exist. There are BoA geared players, non BoA geared players, and then the 1-2 may-as-well be naked players that show up on each side every game. But I don't think there are twinks past the 50's anymore. Thoughts?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Holidays! Unless you are DK, then go die in a fire.

Level 59 - 5531 HKs - Just wanted to say Happy Holidays or Christmas or whatever doesn't offend you, have a good time :) I got We Had It All Along *cough* in a great AB last night, that was a great game! We were neck and neck from about 1000 to 1500, then I ninja capped lumber mill while an afk pally and lock just watched. Then they wrecked me but the damage was done, I'd offset the points ticking and we were 10 since they weren't gaining in the few seconds it took for them to catch me while I ran around like a fool. GG all, that was fun! Now that I'm in the DK bracket it has been nothing but a death grip fest and I am not happy about it in the slightest bit. I won't be in this bracket for long, they just annoy me so much. QQ MOAR, I know.

I'm on a leveling spree today and tomorrow, aiming for 70 at least. Ready to participate in guild activities!

Friday, December 23, 2011

5k HKs and Wrecking Ball

Level 53 - Yeah, I didn't stop at 49. You know how those winning streaks go :P I made it up to 5k HKs and in the same WSG I got Wrecking Ball! Wasn't too hard, I made it to 26 KBs before I died and it was so much fun. I felt kind of bad but their team only had 2 or 3 decently geared people, the others were new or only had a piece or two of BoA gear. Actually I didn't feel bad. It's just Allies, nothing important.

I don't have much wPvP to update, I skipped them the last night or two so I could work on Armok. I know that our guild did a For the Horde last night pretty successfully, especially in Ironforge. Here are some screenshots from my a few of my recent wins. There was only 2 losses, so not too much to show there or I would to that too.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Level 39 - Armok got Ironman! I've never managed to get achievement on any characters, even Hotley. Just bad luck usually but this time it happened. I knew I would but I expected it to be against a team that we were just walking over, not these guys. It was a fairly even fight. I capped the first flag normally, then a really cool Tauren hunter named "Futurebigmac" swapped with me in the tunnel so that I could make the cap the next two times. Also, huge thanks to my pocket healer Suuna from the server Ulduum! It wasn't all just hang out and wait for easy flag cap to get it, we defended the flag room against 3-4 allies a few times.

I'm almost level 44 now then I'll get back to pvping. I want to hit 5k HKs before my extra time off from Christmas is over so I'll probably have to move to the next bracket too. I'll post again at level 49.

Ironforge Visit

Last night Warsong Battalion and a guest from The Sunsworn took over Ironforge for a little while. Didn't keep it for a really long time, 20 minutes or so. The guards are the biggest threat in places like that, there's just so many of them!

I'll try and post more things about Emerald Dream wpvp when I can. Most of this takes place while I'm at work so I can't always be there. I might start recording some of it too whenever I get a larger hard drive.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Emerald Dream wPvP

I really missed this server, this is where WoW really shines. I did some world pvp with my guild Warsong Battalion and a couple others tonight on my druid who I haven't played in a long time. And it showed. Here's some pics from the night:

This one is us routing some stragglers from the inn in Howling Fjord. They ported out, which to be fair, was the only option since we had more people.

We found some allies in our pool in Azshara. I noticed Kkhaos was naked in the pool so we took our chance. After that I resorted to going after hunter pets since I don't have the burst to take out anyone not naked honestly.

The bottom one is the remains of a raid on Silvermoon City. Pretty sure they were just trying to kill the guild The Sunsworn but we came to help. Besides, they helped us in Howling Fjord.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm terrible and was able to contribute nothing but stuns on healers all night. Armok will be leveling faster now, I would like to be able to have him participate in these events. I'll still be leveling via BGs, instead of doing the last half of each bracket in pvp I might just do the last level though.

3007 - And Warsong Battalion hit 100k!

LVL 34-36: I ended up not sleeping last night, having too much fun. Instead, I got ~1.3k HKs! I had a couple of rough games, one involved "Nothelping" an undead who would take the Ally flag and then sit in their flag room. Once the alliance figured this out they wouldn't kill him until they needed to cap. I hope he fall off a zeppelin somewhere.

When I started this I really didn't have too much rogue experience but that hasn't hindered me at all. I don't think I've been out of the top 3 more than a few times and those are because I'll play defense in the flag room or AB base just to win. I've started having issues with paladins of all specs... they are invincible. Open with a stun and not do enough damage to pressure them into using cd's to survive. Open with damage and then they'll use their cd's and be at full health or shielded and soon at full health. That usually results in me dying unless I can burst them quickly enough.

My UI still isn't how I want it. I think I want to keep blizzard player and target frames and just add a center screen energy / combo point counter. I could get used to IceHUD but it doesn't seem worth the work. Any suggestions? The picture below is my current setup with IceHUD and showing my HK tracker on the right.

Also: Does anyone know of a good mod that takes screenshots on achievements reliably? I'm using Achievement Screenshotter and it doesn't take them half the time and it only sometimes takes them at the BG summary screen.

2421 - Long night of WSG with Sershiftsalot

Level 32-33 After a long night of BGs I had to call it quits at 0400. Didn't quite make it to 2500, but close enough. Plenty of ass has been kicked and flags returned though!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

First post, 1984 dead elves.

Hello, and welcome to the 100k HK Project. Here I will catalog my creation of the troll rogue Armok and my slow journey to 100,000 honor kills. I started the character on 11Dec2011. It might take me some time to get the blog set up correctly, I'm somewhat new to it and blogging in general. I should be making weekly updates at least, more if I'm having a good time with it and the game. I'll be showing pvp related activity and screenshots and the milestones on the way there, along with pictures with friends and guild mates during pvp events.